To the populace, peace is simply the absence of war, conflict, and suffering. But peace connotes more than this. This definition cannot fully describe peace hence; Miall subdivided it into the following:
·        Absence of war (absence of direct violence)
·        Justice and development (absence of structural violence)
·        Respect and tolerance
·        Tranquillity or inner peace (spiritual peace)
·        Wholeness and making whole
·        Gaia (harmony or balance in and with the ecosystem-ecosphere)

Also Galtung added two dimensions to the concept:
Negative peace, which is the absence of direct violence, war, fear and conflict at any level and
Positive peace includes in addition to the above, the absence of unjust structures, unequal relationships, justice and inner peace of the individual.
Different schools of thought exist on the attainment of real peace. I subscribe to the belief that things can only get better after a conflict. This does not suggest by any means, that individuals must be in conflict for just any reason.
Otto von Bismark in 1850, at the height of the war fever between the Germans and Austrians, said: “Woe unto the statesman, who makes war without a reason that will still be valid when the war is over!” Can we say we have any form of peace in Nigeria? I don’t think so, with respect to the various views. It is very clear that there is direct violence. This is exemplified by the kidnapping and the restiveness in the south and north respectively. There is an ever increasing presence of structural violence as seen in the inequality of justice, social and political hierarchies leaving people at high risk of unemployment, crime, ill-health, death etc.
Respect and tolerance is on the decline. This is evidenced by the brazen disregard for the Law by so called “cabals”. How do you describe a situation where rival ethnic groups are picked up at the slightest provocation, and butchered? This is intolerance!
Very few Nigerians attain true spiritual peace as there is so much deceit even in worship centres. How many of us truly have the feeling of being whole?
So many factors can induce crisis in a volatile country like ours, so care must be taken not to implement or pursue policies that alienate or discriminate its citizenry.
Gurunder Tagore said: “It is easy to train an army of violence; even a year’s drill may be good enough for that. But it takes a lot more time to train and prepare men to attain enough maturity and strength for a non- violent struggle”. Nigeria being a multi- ethnic nation must learn to imbibe the spirit of fair play and tolerance; and acknowledge divine rule in her affairs.
Most importantly, the leaders who wield the staff of control over national resources should begin to see themselves as “servant leaders” and not “rulers”. This gospel of peace can be preached better if they learn to “live and let live”. It is true that when clean and clear air gets to the nose unhindered, it leaves lots of benefits. What would happen when the airways are clogged? Connoting the “clogging” with “corruption”, and “airways” with “the country”, how would the benefits come?
True peace can only be achieved in Nigeria when all hands are on deck and equal opportunity given to all, to air their views non – violently. The youths who are the future of the country must work relentlessly to foster peace and unity.  Nothing works until men are willing to work.
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