Thursday 13 June 2013

Today, insecurity in Nigeria has become so much that most people feel so frightened, even in their homes. The insecurity comes in various form-much earlier than now it was so serious in the Niger Delta region, due mainly to the activities of militants, who feel that the nation was exploiting their resources, especially crude petroleum oil at the expense of their well being. Recently, it  has assumed more devastating forms such as Boko Haram killings, kidnapping, armed robbery, assassination. It has become so serious that one is no longer safe anywhere-be it at your office, on the highway, at home.
The question is –what is responsible for all these? The answer to these question is not far fetched. The root cause  of the threat to peace and living is the extreme poverty prevailing in the country. A situation were very many persons can no longer have their essential requirements of life e.g.-decent meals, shelter, clothing, and up-keep for families is detestful and should be rejected.
A recent evidence for the extreme level of poverty in the country was the death of about 100 persons who were burnt to death while they were scooping petrol fuel that spilled from a fallen truck at okogbe, 60 kilometers from Port Harcourt, in River State. This is not the first time people were roasted in petrol fuel fire in Nigeria. The question still remains, why, despite the ugly experience, people still go ahead to risk their life in similar situation? It is simply because they have been blinded by poverty. A similar situation was barely averted at Aba, Abia State, just seven days after the okogbe calamity, when large number of people trooped out to scoop kerosene from a fallen truck .It is not that the people were ‘’blind’’ to the likely risk of being burnt if engulf in a likely fire incidence. It is just that their poverty had reached a level that was worth the risk. In such a situation, there is hardly time to think, as the act will be spontaneous. He sees such as an opportunity to make quick money, and be able to solve some lingering problems. Perhaps his family has not had breakfast by 12.00 noon, and may be their children have been out of school for being able to pay school fees.
It is rather very disturbing that such level of poverty exists side by side with stupendous wealth among very few corrupt persons who divert the wealth of the nation to their personal treasuries. They deliberately mal-govern the country to create avenues to corruptly amass wealth. The obvious consequence of such activities is denial of our youths of employment.
The few jobs available in Nigeria are in most cases taken up before the vacancies are made public.
The adverts are mere fulfillment of due process. The ignorant prospective employees will respond to advert and if in fact shortlisted and invited for interview will be wasting his /her time appearing, because no matter the performance at the interview he will remain hopeful indefinitely. What guarantees getting employed is having ones person in very high position in the government or having sponsorship from a politician since you may be having none, it will pay off to start thinking  of some other ways of helping yourselves. If you develop the right attitude, you may at the end regret the whole years you wasted waiting to secure employment,as you may turn out to be a proud employer of labour.If the  experiences of others should be the basis of one’s action, then the earlier the decision to be self employed  is made the better , especially where there is none to guarantee your getting employed.
The fact here is that our unemployed youths, despite the prevailing setting, should be able to face the reality and change their fortune-by employing themselves. For how long should one remain unemployed, and must you be employed by others     while there is nothing wrong about securing an employment, if one can, there is everything wrong about remaining unemployed and idle. Since getting employed by someone else has become almost a mirage, it should not be impossible to get employed by oneself. Unfortunately , and until now , the  products of our institution of higher learning  are usually  not having  that attitude necessary  for job creation .That is  why they are usually  helpless  after their NYSC programme.Many are now forced to go back to school  for further training ,believing  that the acquisition  of additional  qualification  will improve his/her chances of securing a job. At the end of the day, the story may remain the same. Some tips may well change the situation, hence I will want to discuss them.
You should commence your journey towards self-employment by having a positive disposition towards it. It is not an issue of giving it a trial . You have made up your mind and  that’s  all . The word failure should never come to your mind. According to a television programme director,Mo, ‘if you can think it,you can make it’ .  As long  as other persons have gone  into  such business ventures successfully ,you will succeed .The success of  others should  be the right stimuli  you need to start off and keep going on. You only need to be reasonable and take the right steps .Those  you know that failed in their business venture were unreasonable and took the wrong step at some time, and were not ready  to retrace  their steps promptly .Once the right processes are followed , failure is impossible .  Successful business men / women should   be your mentor. Associate with them, read their biographies and learn from their experiences.
A business vision is   not just identifying   business venture you like .There are very many likeable business projects. You   do not just get involved in a business because of the   success   story  of others. It requires more   than just likeness .It has to do   with what you are happy doing. The likeness must   be  associated with passion. Having identified the area ,you extend the likeness into  a goal , which must be really big .The  goal must be big enough to incorporate what you want to do ,and where you want to be .Do not be content with just any  level of achievement. Do not allow your fear  of failure  or wish to avoid risk  limit your goal .sometimes people deceive themselves by  feigning contentment in order  to avoid too much work  or for reason  of avoiding risk .Note that it is the dream you have for yourself that drives you into greater achievement .When your  goal is limited  in scope ,your achievement  will also  be limited .See yourself  as having already  achieved the height you  set  for yourself , and  you will be there.
It has always been said that time is precious .In fact   , I say time is gold , and the earlier you realize  this , the better for you . Any one second , one minute or one hour that is lost  can never be recovered .People who succeeded in creating  wealth to the extent  that  they are at the top  recognized this fact , and did not play with time. So if you must join them ,you must adopt the attitude.
It is not only good to take the right decision ,  such decision must be taken  timeously .The  cost  of taking  decision s late  is high. In short, do not procrastinate, even in taking decision  to stop remaining  unemployed . A ‘good ‘  decision taken late  is no longer good . It remains  good only  when the time component of the decision  is right.
One of the reasons why  the time element  of decisions must  be taken seriously  is that  there is time for every thing . It is well known that there is time to plant  and time to harvest.  If  one planted at a wrong time , the yield  will be poor,  whereas the  reverse  will be the case  if planting was done  at the right  time-the harvest  will be abundant.let us then learn  to appreciate time  and respect it . it is supposed to be , and it is , God’s gift  for our control  of circumstances. Many  have been ruined  in life  for just not recognizing the value of time.
To be continue in next edition.   
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I am JEGEDE ABIMBOLA,a  21 years old, 100 level Student of french department, faculty of art, Delta State university, abraka, Delta State, Nigeria

My word of advice to the youth is they should make good use of their youth age and be of use to their community by getting involved with awesome projects like the clean and green projects,charity missions and so on. They not be discourage to do anything they feel like doing because that's the key to discover who they really are.
i like honesty
i hate lies

In today’s world, especially in our dear continent Africa, there is no doubt that good governance will ensure peace. And in Nigeria’s case good governance will give us peace and unity. This means, elimination of corruption, fair distribution of national resources and provision of basic needs for every community. Considering the recent riots, bombings, killings and maiming in our nation space, let me assure you that I am not here to score any controversial point, rather, I am here to make a direct appeal to the Nigerian people through this means,our diversity must be accepted as a common heritage of our humanity, this is because none of us really have a say in our creation,In this sense, it is for the common heritage of our humanity and collective good that our diversity should be recognized and affirmed for the positive development of the present and future generations of Nigerians. With courage, God and organizations like ITEPCng we can and we will build a better community, a united Nigeria and achieve more peace in our time.
God bless you all and God bless Nigeria.
                                              ABIMBOLA JEGEDE.
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i am Jegede Abimbola, a 21 years old 100 level student of department of french and international studies delta state university, abraka. delta state.

My word of advice to the youth is they should make good use of their youth age and be of use to their community by getting involved with awesome projects like the clean and green projects,charity missions and so on. They not be discourage to do anything they feel like doing because that's the key to discover who they really are.

In today’s world, especially in our dear continent Africa, there is no doubt that good governance will ensure peace. And in Nigeria’s case good governance will give us peace and unity. This means, elimination of corruption, fair distribution of national resources and provision of basic needs for every community. Considering the recent riots, bombings, killings and maiming in our nation space, let me assure you that I am not here to score any controversial point, rather, I am here to make a direct appeal to the Nigerian people through this means,our diversity must be accepted as a common heritage of our humanity, this is because none of us really have a say in our creation,In this sense, it is for the common heritage of our humanity and collective good that our diversity should be recognized and affirmed for the positive development of the present and future generations of Nigerians. With courage, God and organizations like ITEPCng we can and we will build a better community, a united Nigeria and achieve more peace in our time.
God bless you all and God bless Nigeria.
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Monday 3 June 2013

The very popular view in Nigeria is that education has lost its quality and efficiency and this is not far from the stark truth
Analysts have identified series of reasons why Nigeria’s education system is in such a menace, these include;
·         Under-funding
·         Bad state of basic educational facilities
·         Lack of dedicated teachers
·         Constant strikes
·         Old-fashioned model classrooms
One fact that have been constantly overlooked is that one basic problem of education in Nigeria is due to TRIBAL SENTIMENTS. Everything is now based on “I know you, you know me” attitude. Nigerians now respect PAPER REFERENCE above real educational performance. Merit is no longer regarded as it used to be as you must know someone In the EDUCATIONAL HEAVEN to actually get considered into any educational institution.
The Universities in Nigeria are heavily tribalised, thus, seriously questioning the concept of Federal Universities and state universities having majority of their student from the particular state, hence taking the issue of educational tribalism into a whole new height.
The situation is not getting any better rather the imbalance in educational standards tends to be taking a serious downward slide.
This ethnic imbalance can be cured if Nigerians can learn to live together.  If people from one part of the country can as individuals, work with other parts of the country and treat everyone with respect and merit rather than ethnicity and paper reference.
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   The most infinitesimal of all; full of social specialties and with mysterious building capacities and such coalition: “The Social Insects”.
This special group of insects, the ants caught my attention one fateful morning, when I went into the wild, walking down the landscape, and appreciating nature. There I found a gigantic structure, an edifice indeed yet reduced to nothing by the simple name: “Ant-hill”.
In its simplest form, an ant-hill is a pile of earth, sand, clay, pine needles or composite of these and other materials that build up at the entrance of the subterranean dwellings of ant colonies as they are excavated. Some anthills could be as large as 100 meters in diameter, at their base.
Still gazing at the ant-hill, I found a little ant dragging a large piece of groundnut into the hill. This got me thinking: “What determination, what selfless service!” But the piece of groundnut was bigger than it, for crying out loud!
Out of curiosity, I came back the next day with an axe, just to destroy the ant hill and get to the root of this edifice. As a matter of fact, an hour passed and I had not torn down this structure built by a set of animals whose largest size is not more than 2 centimetres.
Let’s not talk of their tight security system! I went through hell when their soldiers launched unpredictable attacks on me.
This taught me the power and outcome of unity. Because of their unity, the little sizes of these ants did not count anymore as they dealt with me, not withstanding my giant size. If in an hour, I could not destroy what they built, with all my mental and physical skill combined, then imagine how formidable we would be in unity.
Even God saw the power of unity in people way-back, when they decided to build the tower of Babel. No wonder He said, “Go to the ant thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise”.
With unity, we can build Nigeria to be a true giant of Africa.

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 What are they and what do they do?
These are emotions which compel us to harm ourselves or others, when allowed to control us. There is a wide gamut of these emotions and we are all familiar with the major ones.
 Some specific destructive emotions include feelings of anger, rage, depression, fear, anxiety, timidity, envy, hatred, greed, arrogance, laziness etc. Even happiness that is out of bound can become very destructive, such as in manic happiness. All these emotions are ruled by three main states; anger, fear and depression.

                                                        DESTRUCTIVE EMOTION

This is not an unacceptable emotion as several research studies have defined feelings of anger as part of our evolutionary make up and hence essential for our survival. It becomes unhealthy when it controls the individual and drives him or her to act against their better judgement.
Fear comes in many forms and includes anxiety and timidity. It is emotions that can also help us survive better and longer as long as what we feel produces only appropriate cautious behaviour. If fear rules our mind, we end up victims of neurosis and psychosis that alter our perception of reality.
All of us have been victim to this feeling at some point in our lives. We are here today only because we survived the spell that this emotion casts on us. It is very easy to succumb to depression because it sneaks up on you in such a gradual manner that one does not even realize what is happening until fully emerged in its thrall.
 Why do we need to manage destructive emotion?
They stop us from living our life to the fullest. In addition, they affect our relationships adversely and detract from our quality of life.
Individuals who are prone to anger and fits of rage have an increased predisposition to hypertension. Those who give in to greed and gluttony ail from diabetes. Those who give in to laziness and sloth will need to deal with obesity and increased cholesterol level. Depressed people tend to make wrong decisions in life and have state that blend into dementia.
Destructive emotions can be stopped from taking control of our lives by a few simple measures. These include;
·        Knowing what emotions that motivate you negatively
·        Identifying factors that trigger and aggravate these emotions
·        Developing suitable approaches to manage the emotion
·        Maintain a positive attitude
·        Eat healthy! Individuals who are prone to anger should avoid food that are high in glycemic index and take diets that are liberal in fibres and vitamins.
·        Exercise; this can help relieve stress and aid refreshed thought processes and this will in turn release endorphins which are happy chemicals that help one stay happy and healthy.
·        Avoid blaming others as it is frustrating and impairs your ability to focus on finding solutions.
·        Meditate! Concentrating on calming one’s breathing, can help bring a semblance of order to chaotic thoughts.

·        Share your feelings
·        Seek professional help if self-help measures are ineffectual or inadequate at resolving one’s problem.
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   It was a bright Wednesday morning, 30th of May 2012 to be precise, with the morning sun blazing its radiance from the east. I and my father walked slowly along the lonely path that leads to our farm, as we often do every morning. Suddenly, my father stood still and exclaimed “WHAT A DAY!” and tears rolled down his cheek. Overwhelmed with anxiety and curiosity, I asked what about this day?  Then he began...
 Exactly 45years today a young bearded soldier in his mid 30’s, made a declaration in accordance with the advice of the then Eastern advisory council.
I, Lieutenant colonel Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, military Governor of Eastern Nigeria, by virtue of the authority, and pursuant to the principles, recited above, do hereby solemnly proclaim that the territory and region known as and called Eastern Nigeria together with her continental shelf and territorial waters shall henceforth be an independent sovereign state of the name and title of the Republic of 

This declaration ushered in a 30 month period of war characterized by intense hardship, starvation, suffering and death, particularly in the Biafra territory, after an initial effort by the Federal Military Government to arrest the situation using “police measures” failed. It was really an experience which majority of Ndi-igbo, who were born then, will never wish for again. Young Nigerians from the Biafra region including University graduates and undergraduates, secondary school students as well as apprentice with appreciable body sizes were forcefully recruited in the Biafra Army, as a result of shortage of military personnel. This didn’t only lead to change in the course of life of the people, but also loss of loved ones as more than one million people died in battle field, or from hunger and malnutrition.

                 From his story, I realized that though the declaration of the secession of Biafra by Lieutenant colonel Ojukwu may be justifiable as claimed by many as it was aimed at protecting the life of his people following the massacre of approximately 30,000 Ndi-igbo in September 1966 in the North, it further deepened the Nigeria’s ethnic/religious tension and hatred created by the January and July 1966 coup and counter-coup. This hatred continues to linger in our present day society as its evident by events such as Sharia institution, Kaduna genocide/pogrom against Ndi-igbo, Sporadic crises in the once peaceful city of Jos, the plateau state capital and its environs, killing of Ndi-igbo in the North and the counter killing of Hausas/Fulani’s in the East and the most recent upsurge of attacks of the Boko Haram sects. All these events have led to loss of a number of friends, relatives and neighbours.
 Outside the deaths, economic activities have been seriously affected, as foreign investors are scared to invest in the country, while the ones currently in the country are leaving, since security is not guaranteed. Hence, increasing the level of unemployment and crime rate. The question I have continuously asked is:
Were the GOALS of Lieutenant colonel Ojukwu and other aggrieved parties in Nigeria History so far, achieved by violence or war”?
Resources which would have been used in building a giant Nation is being spent on combating crises.
      Violence has never been a measure for correcting any form of perceived marginalization and deprivation of rights since 1960 but rather it has promoted enmity amongst us. Let’s give Love and Dialogue an opportunity to serve as a vehicle for peaceful co-existence and conflict resolution. Our founding father understood the importance of love. No wonder they adopted the national anthem, which made a national call for all Nigerians to serve their motherland with Love and compassionate fervour while recognizing the sacrifice of our national heroes in bringing this nation into being. Let’s exhibit this love irrespective of our religious or ethnic background so we can truly have One Nation bound in freedom, Peace and Unity.                                                
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